Monday, April 28, 2014

Lots of packages coming and going

Well, It's been a few days since I checked in.

I have been busy making shuttles and dyeing thread. I think I mailed out 30 shuttles on Friday. 13 packages. 6 international and 7 within the US. Shuttles were flying all over the place in the house. I got so caught up in making them that I even made one or two extra ones. I wanted to get some swaps going and got a little carried away. I now have a lot of stuff coming back my way. One of the things I wanted and got was a shuttle I have been chasing for years.
This is a picture of a similar shuttle except my bobbin in white. I am just overjoyed that I was traded for this shuttle.

I have all kinds of things coming. Thread, bobbin lace bobbins, some bags and pouches, decorated shuttles, Joythi shuttles, a leather shuttle made by a 12 year old, a beaded bracelet, and some surprise things.

I went to the mailbox today and had 5 packages waiting for me. I bet the postal worker was sick of putting packages in our box.
Here are pictures of what I  got.

This is a picture of everything I got today. What a nice haul.

I expect several more packages soon.

Shawn has been home sick since last Thursday. I feel so bad for him. He's been caughing and hot and cold. He tried to go to the doctors today and couldn't get in. He's going at 8am tomorrow. It kills me to know he is so sick. I don't think I've ever seen him this sick before. My poor hubby.

One a good note, the bank called today and advised us that ou house appraised a lot higher than we thought it would. We were shocked and happy.

Hopefully the loan will be processed within the next two weeks. I am so ready to start this remodel. Just the fact that I get new carpet is enough for me. Let alone a larger deck, better doors and an improved kitchen. I'm not going to know what to do with myself when the house looks the way I want it to, after 17 years.

I've been tatting away on my Spring Renulek doily. I am loving it. But she started a new one also. Now I have two to do. I got some really pretty thread to do the summer doily with. Pink, lavender and soft green.

Not much else is going on. I'm tired and going to bed.


  1. That winder shuttle is different to mine. My one has a spring attaching the little heart shaped clicker.

    REALLY looking forward to the new bobbin shuttles....and seeing Shawns new one as well..

    1. That's not the actual picture of my shuttle. Mine looks just like yours. I just grabbed that picture off of the interntet.
