I haven't had the time yet to post an update on my experience at the tatting group in Gettysburg, PA.
It was great. I met Holly at her home and followed her to the location. As we were walking in, I mentioned that I had attended the Finger Lakes Tatting Conference. Well, Holly had been there also and informed me that two other ladies from the tatting group had been there also. I immediately relaxed. Funny that I really didn't know them nor did I initially remember meeting them, but my anxiety deminished because I had encountered them before. My daughter came with me, so that made me feel better as well.
Well, we have so much in common. I can't wait to go back next month. Unfortunately Olivia won't be able to go with me because she will be going back to Ohio on Friday. It's a long drive just to meet with other tatters some would say, but not too far for me. I'm so happy that I can meet with other tatters and feel comfortable. It looks like I am going to have 3 tatting groups now. My group here in Silver Spring, the one in Gettysburg and there is one in Carlisle as well that Holly wants me to go to.
We didn't do much tatting at the group, more chatting than anything else. There was another lady, Deb who was attending for the first time as well. Between the 6 of us, we have most every fiber market covered by our talents and obessions.
This is exactly what I need in my life. I am so thankful that my husband cares so much about me that he is OK with me going to these groups.
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